dForce Trade

dForce Trade is a DEX aggregator to search for the best trading price and aggregate proper liquidity across multiple platforms to deliver an optimized trade.

Currently, dForce Trade has been integrated with 8 DEXes including Uniswap, Curve, Sushiswap, Balancer, Kyber, Oasis, S.Finance, Unisave, with almost 100% coverage of ERC20 token trades.

Link: https://app.dforce.network/#/trade

Github: https://github.com/dforce-network

How to interact with dForce trade by contract

function getExpectedReturn()

get expected target returns by target token.

function getExpectedReturn(
        IERC20 fromToken,
        IERC20 toToken,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 parts,
        uint256 flags
            uint256 returnAmount,
            uint256[] memory distribution

function swap()

swap tokens by expected returns.

function swap(
        IERC20 fromToken,
        IERC20 toToken,
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 minReturn,
        uint256[] memory distribution,
        uint256 flags
    ) public payable;

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