
dToken contract is fully compatible with ERC20 standard, other interfaces are descripted here.

Send Transactions

  • mint(address _dst, uint _pie)

    mint certain amount of underlying to dst address

    • _dst: account who will get dToken.

    • _pie: underlying token amount.

  • redeem(address _src, uint _wad)

    redeem certain amount of dToken from dst address

    • _src: account whose dToken will burn from.

    • _wad: dToken amount to burn.

  • redeemUnderlying(address _src, uint _pie)

    redeem certain amount of underlying from dst address

    • _src: account whose dToken will burn from.

    • _pie: underlying token amount to withdraw.

ERC20 Interface

Please refer to


  • currentExchangeRate() returns (uint)

    return the most recent exchange rate, scaled by 1e18

  • totalUnderlying() returns (uint)

    return the total underlying token amount

  • getRealLiquidity() returns (uint)

    return current liquidity of the underlying token

  • balanceOfUnderlying(address _account) returns (uint)

    • _account: account address.

    return the underlying token balance of the given account

  • getBaseData() returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint)

    return (decimals, exchangeRate, mintFeeRate, redeemFeeRate, totalUnderlying)

    • decimals: token decimals.

    • exchangeRate: the most recent exchange rate, scaled by 1e18.

    • mintFeeRate: the fee rate of mint(), scaled by 1e18.

    • redeemFeeRate: the fee rate of redeem()/redeemUnderlying(), scaled by 1e18.

    • totalUnderlying: the total underlying token amount.

  • originationFee(bytes4 _sig) returns (uint)

    • _sig: function signature to query.

    return fee, scaled by 1e18

  • paused() returns (bool)

    return true if paused, false if not paused

  • feeRecipient() returns (address)

    return fee receiving address

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